Free download: journal masthead
When reading back on journal entries, I found myself wondering what was going on around me at the time. Where was I? What was the weather like? What were the prevailing concerns? What were my personal concerns? I created this masthead as a way of providing that context.
It includes space for:
The day of the week (circle S / M / T / W / T / F / S)
Space for a date stamp (or date)
“Prevailing” — which I interpret as what are the social concerns of the day
“Personal” — what am I feeling personally in this moment?
Page number
I offer it here for your own use and enjoyment. Here’s how:
Download a template
There are four files here. The masthead is the same. The difference is (1) whether there is one masthead per sheet or a multiple mastheads per sheet and (2) the size of the overall page. There are templates set up on 8.5 x 11, the standard in the United States as well as templates on an A4 page size for our international friends.
Print (&/or stick)!
The single page template is set up so that you can print directly onto whatever paper you’d like to write on.
I like to print the full sheet of labels onto sticky paper which I then cut to size. This allows me to explore various writing papers and surfaces. Full sheet label paper is available at most office supply locations. Here is one option.
Write on!
Have fun with the template! Email me your explorations—I’d love to see how you use and personalize it.